Tagged: Battlefield 3

Battlefield 2143 under development? 0

Battlefield 2143 under development?

Maybe it is just joke – or is it a hint? One container on Wake Island (included in the DLC “Back to Karkand”) shows the numers “2143”. In the past, developers used hints like...

BF3: List of possible changes in next patch 0

BF3: List of possible changes in next patch

Future Balance Changes in Battlefield 3 Demize99 posted a preliminary list of possible future balance changes for the upcoming patch for Battlefield 3. The list just shows changes for balance updates (no other stuff)...

BF3: Recon will get one hit kill 0

BF3: Recon will get one hit kill

It has been one of the most hot topics in Battlefield 3 discussions: Recon got no single bolt kill. Alan Kertz (Senior Gameplay Designer) unveiled that change: “bolt action sniper rounds now have a...

BF3: Comrose 2.0 is in development 0

BF3: Comrose 2.0 is in development

After alot of complaints about the stock comrose in BF3, developers are working on a “Comrose 2.0”. Thomas Danko (VO Producer @ DICE Audio. Admin for Belgium) wrote on Twitter: “Today we’re a couple...

Play Battlefield 3 in 3D 0

Play Battlefield 3 in 3D

After the latest patch for BF3, it is possible to play Battlefield 3 completely in 3D. EA released a manual named: How to enable Stereoscopic 3D in Battlefield Here is the short version: 1....

BF3 patch changelog 0

BF3 patch changelog

Chaangelog for the new BF3 patch. Release date end of November 2011: — Client-Side Changes: — Visuals, Stability and Performance Fixes: • General performance and loading time improvements • “Black Screen” fix for an...