Category: Featured Games
WoT: Manöver amerikanischen Panzerjäger
Am Wochende gibts Angebote für amerikanische Panzerjäger: Doppelte Crew Experience auf allen Panzern 50% Rabatt auf PT-ACS: T18 , T82 , T40 , M8A1 , M10 Wolverine , T49 , M36 Slugger , M18...
World of Tanks. Tier 2 & 3 SPG Review
Found on YouTube today: “In this review you will find some useful tactics that can be used while playing tier II and III SPGs and will also learn the differences between the starting SPGs...
World of Tanks. SuperPershing Review
This vehicle, as with all of the premium vehicles, has an exceptional credit-earning capability and it is by definition an efficient tank. After all, the potential to deal an average shot of 240 damage...
World of Tanks Update 7.4 Trailer
The official video for the last update in W.o.T.: Download article as PDF
World of Tanks – 0.7.4 goes life for EU
Just now, the 7.4 updates go life for W.o.T.. Should be ready for a lunchbreak-match 🙂 Download article as PDF
World of Tanks: British Tanks Trailer
World of Tanks will soon be invaded by some of the most powerful and iconic war machines from Great Britain. Players will get the chance to charge into battle in such recognizable vehicles like...