Tagged: trial

Diablo III – Blizzard confirms Beta 0

Diablo III – Blizzard confirms Beta

Everything else would be a disappointment for the fans: Game director Jay Wilson (Blizzard) has announced at the in-house exhibition BlizzCon 2010, that there will be a Diablo III beta phase at the start....

Starcraft II: Second Beta announced

Starcraft II: Second Beta announced

If had no chance to participate in the first beta, you may have more luck now:

There is a second beta for SC2 starting on Juli, 19th 2010
All stats will be reset to let all players start on zero for the second run …

Medal of Honor Exclusive Beta Event

Medal of Honor Exclusive Beta Event

Beta keys available to FilePlanet users worldwide!
Now open to all users!

Join the Medal of Honor beta and experience today’s warfare!
Choose your platform, PC or Playstation 3.
Your activation key will grant you access to either version of the game.

You will find more informations on

[url=http://www.fileplanet.com/beta-center/]FilePlanet Beta Center[/url]

Crysis Wars Trial – Keys Available!

Crysis Wars Trial – Keys Available!


You wanted to try out Crysis Wars? So why wait? Just do it!

Here is the message, I received today:

We hope that by now you have been able to download the entirety of Crysis Wars and you’ve had a chance to train with your friends on LAN, because now, you are going to be able to play online! Please be sure to read through this entire post before asking questions, as we’ve tried to make sure that everything is covered and kept simple in this piece of news. If you do have genuine questions though, obviously you can feel free to ask on the forums.

It’s now even easier for you to generate yourself a trial key. All you need to do is visit our forums on MyCrysis.com and at the top of the page there will be a button allowing you to generate your trial key. Then just open Crysis Wars and enter the key once prompted for it when you select internet game.

The trial keys will be enabled from Saturday 19th December 21:00 until Tuesday 29th December 21:00 CET

All the best!

– Crysis Wars Team

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