
BF3 Open beta starts today 0

BF3 Open beta starts today

Today is THE day for all BF3 fans, that have not preordered. The open beta starts – and here are the timeframes: US Pacific time: 6 AM – 8 AM US Eastern time: 9...

A.V.A. – End of summer event! 0

A.V.A. – End of summer event!

“A.V.A is having End of Summer Event for all A.V.A. players. Regardless of your level, just play one hour and you will automatically receive the in-game prizes! Additionally, in AI mode some AI characters...

BF3 without ingame server-browser! 0

BF3 without ingame server-browser!

The pc-version of BF3 will be shipped without a ingame server browser. Only the console-players will get one. The stat-tracking and social tools service, Battlelog, will serve as Battlefield 3′s main menu and serverbrowser...

TF2 free for play 0

TF2 free for play

TeamFortress is free for play over Steam. Don’t know how long it is free to play, but I found it today, when I was searching around for a new lunchbreak game. Seems like there...