Category: Battlefield 3

BF3: Improved Beta driver from NVIDIA 0

BF3: Improved Beta driver from NVIDIA

Nvidia released a fresh beta driver with focus on Battlefield 3 players. New in Version 285.79 Includes several bug fixes and performance improvements for Battlefield 3. Fixes cases of irregular performance (stuttering) primarily seen...

Battlefield 3 for just $28 0

Battlefield 3 for just $28

In a announcement for Black Friday (Nov, 25th) Walmart unveiled the deals they’ll be offering for Black Friday and they include Battlefield 3 for just $28, on all platforms. So if you are in...

EA is deleting Key-Store-Keys 0

EA is deleting Key-Store-Keys

There are many complains in the official EA forums, that EA deletes keys, that are bought in so called “key-stores”. These stores don’t ship installation media or offer them for download. They just sell...

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