CoD:MW2 causes disciplinary warning letters

Next bad news for Infinity Ward:

Their latest CoD game causes written warnings sent from US internet providers.

Background: Their game offers no dedicated servers. So every multiplayer match opens a Peer2Peer session.
That leads the providers to the point, where they accuse their customers of massive filesharing or serverhosting on their connection.
Filesharing and Serverhosting is forbidden by ‘AUPs’ (acceptable use policy) at most providers.
Other users received a message, that they might have a virus on their PC, because it has unusual traffic profiles (caused by peer-to-peer).

The usual methods of punishment for that (just a collection):
– reduced bandwith
– blocked account/ no more internet
– extra cash per month

Whow … peer2peer seems to cause massive problems, if you are a excessive MW2 player. 😛

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